Devil’s Golf Course
“When you’re in the desert, you look into infinity… It makes you feel terribly small, and also in a strange way, quite big.” ― David Lean
As we descend into Death Valley, the car thermometer climbs. 85, 90, 100, 105*F. As I stare at the barren landscape, I think about the lush forests and mountain meadows I grew up exploring. I’ve always appreciated feeling small in nature. But it meant looking up at tall pines, endless green, flowing water. When I’m in the woods there is the subconscious comfort in knowing I’m sheltered and can find things to eat and find water to survive. The desert is different. No shade, no water – or so little, too far away. I’m not only a tiny speck in this vast landscape but really not made to survive in this climate. The luxury of a climatized vehicle, a trunk full of water, my sun shirt and hat mean a lot more here than anywhere else I’ve been.