Cats are little weirdos right?
At day asleep, awake at night,
Running over pillows when
All we want is sleep but then
We lie awake and hear them play
Meow and sprint like it was day.
We pull up the covers, We turn around
and hope that somehow more sleep can be found.
We drift away and catch a snooze
Meanwhile the cat’s still going loose.
And next thing we know it’s the new day ahead
We yawn, we stretch, we sit up in bed.
And right there beside us, curled up in a ball,
lies a snoring cat not bothered at all.
We gently reach over to stroke fluffy fur
and notice the sound of a soft little purr.
We smile in these moments, no matter how small,
‘cause we’re crazy cat people after all. 😺
A Silly Cat Poem
in Poems